The UC San Diego Mathematics Project is one of 20 sites of the California Mathematics Project supported by the State of California and administered by the University of California Office of the President. This effort draws strength from increased collaboration with San Diego County Office of Education, other California Mathematics Projects, California Subject Matter Projects, school districts, colleges and universities.
The goal of the UC San Diego Mathematics Project is to develop teacher leaders who will support classroom teachers in the journey to deepen their own understanding and proficiency with the CaCCSS-M and effective pedagogy. Our work with teacher leaders will focus on:
- Developing cohesive and coherent mathematics programs aligned with CaCCSS-M standards and practices
- Developing strategies to select mathematics problems with high-cognitive demand and maintain that cognitive demand through the problem-solving process
- Applying instructional strategies to provide access to high-quality learning for each student
- Applying strategies to build agency, ownership, and identity for each student
- Applying ways to use formative assessment to inform instruction to more precisely meet the needs of each student.
In order to ensure that each student:
- Understands, learns, and can apply significant mathematics
- Develops mathematical thinking
- Develops a strong mathematical identity
- Is prepared for future learning, for career and technical preparation, and to be literate citizens
The UC San Diego Mathematics Project team includes Director, Dr. Osvaldo “Ovie” Soto, Co-Director, Joan Commons, and Professional Learning Coordinator, Angela Torres. Dr. Jeffrey Rabin, Professor, is the faculty advisor for the UC San Diego Mathematics Department. This project is housed in the UC San Diego Center for Research on Education, Assessment and Teaching Excellence (CREATE).
Since its founding in December 2018, teacher leaders, university faculty, and content and pedagogical experts have worked to develop and offer professional development since Summer 2019.
Join us! We look forward to hearing about your needs and learning with you.
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More information about Proposition 209 can be found here.
More information about the University of California Anti-Discrimination Policy can be found here.